About East Azerbaijan Natural Nutrition & Vegetarian Society (SAVEN):
East Azerbaijan Natural Nutrition & Vegetarian Society (SAVEN) was established in 2017 with registration number 3542 and national identification number 14006822770 and based on license number 8508 dated April 8, 2017 of East Azarbaijan Provincial Government.
All the activities of this society are non-political, non-profit and non-governmental (NGOs) and are in full compliance with the laws and regulations of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
- Supporting of environmental activities and
- participating in environmental protection
- Informing people on the main causes of global warming and
- the role of livestock and poultry farming and meat consumption in global warming
- Supporting of organic and natural farmers
- Introducing and supporting of Natural remedies based on Vegetarian Nutrition
- Promoting public knowledge of vegetarian nutrition and environmental issues and
- Trying to present a healthy Plant-based or plant-forward eating patterns
- Active Society in field of Environmental Protection in 1398
- Efforts to preserve scarce vital resources and reduce the destructive effects on the environment
- Efforts to increase citizen participation in the field of Clean Urban Environment in Tabriz
Appreciation for participating in the National Action Festival
- Holding a health exhibition on behalf of Tabriz Municipality
- Participation in the workshop on participatory management of NGOs by the University of Medical Sciences
Healthy living skills consultant
Collaboration with the Iranian Organic Association
Certificate of Advanced Traditional Medicine
- Efforts to attract stakeholders in urban participatory management
- Efforts to strengthen NGOs‘ cooperation with women’s and family executive bodies
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انجمن تغذیه طبیعی آذربایجان شرقی
انجمن تغذیه طبیعی و گیاهخواری آذربایجان شرقی در سال 1396 به شماره ثبت 3542 و شماره شناسه ملی 14006822770 و بر اساس مجوز شماره 8508 مورخ 19/1/96 استانداری آذربایجان شرقی، تأسیس و فعالیت خود را آغاز نمود.
کلیه فعالیت های این انجمن غیر سیاسی، غیر انتفاعی و غیر دولتی بوده و با رعایت کامل قوانین و مقررات جمهوری اسلامی ایران و با اهداف مشخص می باشد.
آدرس انجمن:
تبریز، ولیعصر، توانیر شمالی، فلکه گلپارک، به طرف پل روگذر عباسی، مجتمع تجاری خدماتی گل ها، پلاک 4
تلفن: 33287128 – 041
فکس: 33287910 – 041
تلفن همراه: 09149113982
ایمیل: info@mehrevegan.com
آدرس فروشگاه:
تبریز، ولیعصر، خیابان توانیر شمالی، فلکه گلپارک، به طرف روگذر عباسی، مجتمع تجاری گلها، فروشگاه ارگانیک مهر وِگان
تلفن: 33287128 – 041
فکس: 33287910 – 041
تلفن همراه: 09149113982
ایمیل: info@mehrevegan.com